Hymn Lyrics

PLEASE NOTE: Not all verses may be sung and words may vary in the particular hymn presentation.

Come to the Waters
Words: Based on Isaiah 55:1,3
Music: Come to the Waters | George Frideric Handel
Come to the waters, all ye that thirsteth;
All that hunger, come, buy and eat, and your soul shall live.
Come ye, come ye; come to the waters;
He with no money, come, buy and eat.
Come ye weary, and your soul shall live.
Come ye, come to the waters, and your soul shall live.

Incline your ear and hear me;
Incline your ear and hear me,
And your soul shall live in peace.

Ye shall have great joy and gladness;
Joy and gladness shall go with thee.
Incline your ear to me; incline your ear and live.

Come to the waters, all ye that thirsteth;
All that hunger, come, buy and eat,
And your soul shall live.

Come ye, come to the waters,
And your soul shall live.