Hymn Lyrics

PLEASE NOTE: Not all verses may be sung and words may vary in the particular hymn presentation.

Maker of All Things
Words: Philip Doddridge
Music: Lanesboro | William Dixon
1. Maker of all things Mighty Lord,
We own Thy pow’r divine.
The winds and waves obey Thy word,
The winds and waves obey Thy word,
For all their strength is Thine.

2. Wide as the wintr’y tempest sweep,
They work thy sovereign will.
Thy voice is heard upon the deep,
Thy voice is heard upon the deep,
And all its waves are still.

3. With cheerful hope on Thee we stay
To rescue from the grave.
Thou Whom the elements obey,
Thou Whom the elements obey,
In Christ art near to save.