Hymn Lyrics

PLEASE NOTE: Not all verses may be sung and words may vary in the particular hymn presentation.

The Battle Is the Lord’s
Words: O. Talmadge Spence
Music: The Battle Is the Lord’s | O. Talmadge Spence
1. Days are passing; saints are sighing; Satan leads apostasy.
The Word of God, our hope and leading light;
Be of courage in the fight.

2. Cults are rising; prophets lying; Churces cease to take a stand.
And people change from former blessed ways,
In the passing of the days.

3. Nations angry; peace is leaving; Chaos stalks across the land.
And fallen man seeks darker, deeper sin;
Tribulation brings the end.

Jesus stands nearby, as earth’s voices cry;
Antichrist is in the womb.
Unsheath the sword; Cry aloud God’s Word.
The battle is the Lord’s.

Words: O. Talmadge Spence (1926-2000)
Music: O. Talmadge Spence (1926-2000)
© 1983, Foundations Bible College and Theological Seminary.
All rights reserved. Used by permission.

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