Hymn Lyrics

PLEASE NOTE: Not all verses may be sung and words may vary in the particular hymn presentation.

Psalm 76
Words: Trinity Psalter
Music: Unser Herrscher (Neander) | Joachim Neander (1650–1680)
1. God the Lord is known in Judah;
Great His name in Israel;
His pavilion is in Salem;
His abode on Zion hill.
There He broke the bow and arrows,
Bade the sword and shield be still.

2. Excellent art Thou and glorious
Coming from the hills of prey.
Thou hast spoiled the valiant-hearted;
Wrapt in sleep of death are they.
Mighty men have lost their cunning;
None are ready for the fray.

3. Horse and chariot low are lying
In the sleep of death’s dark night.
Jacob’s God, Thou didst rebuke them;
Thou art fearful in Thy might.
When Thine anger once is risen,
Who may stand before Thy sight?

4. When from heav’n Thy sentence sounded,
All the earth in fear was still,
While to save the meek and lowly
God in judgment wrought His will.
Ev’n the wrath of man shall praise Thee;
What remains is kept from ill.

5. Make your vows now to Jehovah;
Pay your God what is His own.
All men, bring your gifts before Him;
Fear is due to Him alone;
He brings low the pride of princes;
Kings shall tremble at His frown.