Hymn Lyrics

PLEASE NOTE: Not all verses may be sung and words may vary in the particular hymn presentation.

Psalm 149
Words: Trinity Psalter
Music: Laudate Dominum (Parry) | Charles Hubert Hastings Parry (1848–1918)
1. O praise ye the LORD! Prepare your glad voice,
New songs with His saints assembled to sing;
Before His Creator let Isr’el rejoice,
And children of Zion be glad in their King.

2. And let them His name extol in the dance;
With timbrel and harp His praises express;
Jehovah takes pleasure His saints to advance,
And with His salvation the humble to bless.

3. His saints shall sing loud with glory and joy,
And rest undismayed; with songs in the night
In praises to God they their lips shall employ;
A sword in their right hand, two-edg’d for the fight;

4. The heathen to judge, their pride to consume,
To bind kings with chains, due vengeance record,
To execute on them their long decreed doom;
His saints have this honor. O praise ye the LORD! Amen!