Hymn Lyrics

PLEASE NOTE: Not all verses may be sung and words may vary in the particular hymn presentation.

Launch Out Into the Deep
Words: T.D. Abels
Music: Launch Out Into the Deep | T.D. Abels
1. All night the men had laboured, with nets out on the sea,
But empty ships were anchored at morn on Galilee,
Discouraged, tired and weary, no fruitage did they reap,
When lo, what word is spoken, “Launch out into the deep!”

2. “In vain O Lord Thou speakest, no fish are in the sea,
Yet once more at Thy bidding we’ll cast the net for Thee!”
What mighty pow’r is working, the nets are filled and break,
How glad that they obeyed Him, just for His own word’s sake!

3. Let down your faith, my brother, into the mighty deep,
Of God’s eternal promise, His word He’ll surely keep,
Ask Him for every blessing, no good will He withhold,
He’ll give in more abundance than your frail bark can hold.

Launch out into the deep! No foe can e’er dismay,
His grace will surely keep, if you trust Him and obey!