Hymn Lyrics

PLEASE NOTE: Not all verses may be sung and words may vary in the particular hymn presentation.

In Heav’n Above
Words: Laurentius Laurentii Laurinus
Music: Hague | Norwegian folk melody
1. In heav’n above, in heav’n above,
Where God, our Father dwells;
How boundless there the blessedness!
No tongue its greatness tells;
There face to face, and full and free,
Forever evermore we see:
Our God the Lord of hosts!

2. In heav’n above, in heav’n above,
What glory deep and bright!
The splendor of the noon-day sun
Grows pale before its light:
The heavenly light that ne’er goes down,
Around whose radiance clouds ne’er frown,
Is God, the Lord of hosts!

3. In heav’n above, in heav’n above,
No tears of pain are shed;
There nothing e’er shall fade or die;
Life’s fullness round is spread,
And, like an ocean, joy o’erflows,
And with immortal mercy glows
Our God the Lord of hosts.

4. In heav’n above, in heav’n above,
God hath a joy prepared,
Which mortal ear had never heard,
Nor mortal vision shared,
Which never pierced to mortal breast,
By mortal lips was never expressed,
O God, the Lord of hosts!