Hymn Lyrics

PLEASE NOTE: Not all verses may be sung and words may vary in the particular hymn presentation.

Grace, Amazing Grace My Song
Words: H. T. Spence
Music: Grace, Amazing Grace My Song | H. T. Spence
1. High on Heaven’s throne sits the God of my soul!
Naked stands my life before Him: He knows—yes, He knows!
Vile the plague of sin’s pollution: wretched shame my soul!

2. Born depraved by sin; Adam’s curse on my soul.
Fallen creature, nature’s midnight! He knows, yes, He knows.
My own sins increased the ruin: wretched state my soul!

3. Night of nights, how dark! Helpless state of my soul!
Blood pollution stained the guilty; I know, yes, I know.
But God pitied me through Calv’ry; Loved and saved my soul!

4. Joyfully I sing! Grace has come to my soul!
Rich, how rich the Lord of Glory! I know, yes, I know!
God’s own Son has reconciled me. Cry aloud, my soul!

Grace, Amazing Grace my song!
Grace, What wonder that to God I now belong!
Grace, The heartbeat of His love.
Because of Grace, Amazing Grace, I’m saved!

Words: H. T. Spence
Music: H. T. Spence
© Copyright, Foundations Bible College and Theological Seminary.
All rights reserved. Used by permission.

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