Hymn Lyrics

PLEASE NOTE: Not all verses may be sung and words may vary in the particular hymn presentation.

All for Jesus (From Stainer’s, The Crucifixion)
Words: Text compiled by William John Sparrow-Simpson
Music: Wycliff | John Stainer
1. All for Jesus! All for Jesus!
This our song shall ever be,
For we have no hope, nor Saviour,
If we have not hope in Thee!

2. All for Jesus Thou wilt give us
Strength to serve Thee, hour by hour;
None can move us from Thy presence,
While we trust Thy love and power.

3. All for Jesus! Thou hast loved us;
All for Jesus! Thou hast died;
All for Jesus! Thou art with us;
All for Jesus Crucified.

4. All for Jesus! All for Jesus!
This the Church’s song must be
Till, at last, her sons are gathered
One in love and one in Thee!