Hymn Lyrics

PLEASE NOTE: Not all verses may be sung and words may vary in the particular hymn presentation.

Strong in Salvation
Words: Bob Jones Jr.
Music: Salvation (Gustafson) | Dwight Gustafson
1. Dawn of the morning and stars of the night,
Show forth Thy wonder and tell of Thy might.
By Thee consisting, all things Thou hast made,
Lord of creation in glory arrayed.

2. Settled in heaven the Word shall endure,
Trusting Thy promise, the soul is secure.
Sinners forgiven shall look on Thy face,
Praise Thee forever, the tokens of grace.

3. Wonder of wonders, I’m cleansed by the blood,
In the Beloved, accepted of God.
Now there is therefore no condemnation,
Faithful is He and strong in salvation.

True are Thy judgments and holy Thy ways,
God of the Ages, Ancient of Days,
Mighty in power. Lord of creation,
Tender in mercy, strong in salvation.