Hymn Lyrics

PLEASE NOTE: Not all verses may be sung and words may vary in the particular hymn presentation.

The Promised One Is Come
Words: Robert Wilson
Music: The Promised One Is Come | Robert Wilson
1. To a lowly manger’s stall
Came the holy Infant;
From the portals of Heaven’s halls
To a world of sinners

2. Shepherds went to Bethlehem,
Bidden by an angel;
Found the Babe in swaddling bands,
Then returned proclaiming:

3. Mary, Joseph with the child
Pondered angel’s sayings:
Child of Virgin, meek and mild,
Born to save His people—Yes, Emmanuel is come!

4. From this manger to a Tree
Did our Saviour journey.
Over death a victory!
Granting peace and pardon:

Rejoice! The Saviour of man is come;
Rejoice! Let all resounding sing:
“Christ, the Promised One is born to die for sinners all!”

Christ, the Promised One is come!

Words: Robert Wilson
Music: Robert Wilson
All rights reserved. Used by permission.

To obtain permission to use or copy this hymn, please visit Foundations Bible College and Theological Seminary.