Hymn Lyrics

PLEASE NOTE: Not all verses may be sung and words may vary in the particular hymn presentation.

Silently, Quietly
Words: Robert Wilson
Music: Silently, Quietly | Robert Wilson
1. Silently, Quietly, in the town of Bethlehem
Was a child, undefiled, born in lowly majesty.
God the Father gave His Son for this world by sin undone.
Lowly born, Christmas morn: Joy of heaven, Hope of earth:
Christ has come!

2. Angels sang, chorus rang, shepherds hastened to adore.
Shining star from afar led the Wise Men to the babe.
All the host of Heaven’s throng bowed their hearts in holy awe.
Lowly born Christmas morn, Joy of heaven, Hope of earth:
Christ has come! Amen.

Words: Robert Wilson
Music: Robert Wilson
All rights reserved. Used by permission.

To obtain permission to use or copy this hymn, please visit Foundations Bible College and Theological Seminary.