Hymn Lyrics

PLEASE NOTE: Not all verses may be sung and words may vary in the particular hymn presentation.

As I Was, the Father Loved Me
Words: Authorship Unknown
Music: Reception | Charles John Dickinson
1. As I was, the Father lov’d me—
Lov’d me in my sin and shame:
Yet a great way off, He saw me;
Ran and kiss’d me as I came!

2. Gave me Christ, the Robe of glory,
Spotless as the heav’ns above,
Not to meet my tho’ts of fitness,
But His wondrous tho’ts of love!

3. Not a servant at God’s gateway,
But a Son within His home,
To the love, the joy, the singing,
To the glory, I am come!

4. Tis the Cross of Christ the Saviour,
Hath the Father’s heart made known:
All His grace to me, the sinner,
Told in judgment on His Son!

5. Measured by that Cross, that darkness,
O how deep God’s love must be!
Deep as were Christ’s depths of anguish,
Is the Father’s love for me!