Hymn Lyrics

PLEASE NOTE: Not all verses may be sung and words may vary in the particular hymn presentation.

Awake, and Sing the Song
Words: William Hammond
Music: St. Thomas (Williams) | Aaron Williams
1. Awake, and sing the song
Of Moses and the Lamb;
Tune every heart and every tongue,
To praise the Savior’s name.

2. Sing of His dying love;
Sing of His rising power;
Sing how He intercedes above
For all whose sins He bore.

3. If you have felt His grace,
You’ll not refuse to sing,
But summon all your powers to praise
Your Savior and your King.

4. Look back, and see the state
Wherein your nature lay;
Then wonder at His love so great
Who did your ransom pay.

5. His faithfulness proclaim,
While life and health are given;
Join hands and hearts to praise His name;
Till we all meet in Heaven.

6. May Jesu’s word take place
And wisdom in us dwell,
That we His miracles of grace
In psalms and hymns may tell.

7. Tell in seraphic strains,
What Christ hath done for you;
How He has taken off your chains,
And formed your hearts anew.

8. Be careful to approve
Yourselves His children dear;
Admonish and provoke to love,
To righteousness, and fear.

9. Leave carnal joys below,
To men of meaner taste;
Think, speak, and sing of nothing now
But Christ, the First and Last.

10. Are you in deep distress?
Then sing to ease the smart;
Are you rejoiced? let psalms express
The gladness of your heart.

11. When Paul and Silas sung,
The earth began to quake;
The prison doors were open flung;
Her firm foundations shake.

12. The prisoners’ bands were loosed;
Who can the Lord control?
May equal power be now diffused,
And free each captive soul.

13. Sing till you feel your hearts
Ascending with your tongues;
Sing till the love of sin departs,
And grace inspires your songs.

14. Sing till you hear Christ say
“Your sins are all forgiven”;
Go on, rejoicing all the way,
And sing your souls to Heaven.