Hymn Lyrics

PLEASE NOTE: Not all verses may be sung and words may vary in the particular hymn presentation.

So Tender, So Precious
Words: Jeremiah Eames Rankin (1828–1904)
Music: So Tender, So Precious | Edmund Simon Lorenz
1. So tender, so precious,
My Savior to me,
So true and so gracious
I’ve found Him to be.

2. So patient, so kindly
Toward all my ways;
I blunder so often -
He love still repays.

3. Of all friends the fairest
And truest is He;
His love is the rarest
That ever can be.

4. His beauty, though bleeding
And circled with thorns,
Is then most exceeding,
For grief Him adorns.

How can I but love Him?
But love Him, but love Him?
There’s no friend above Him,
Poor sinner, for thee.