Hymn Lyrics

PLEASE NOTE: Not all verses may be sung and words may vary in the particular hymn presentation.

Christ the Lord, the Lord Most Glorious
Words: John Miller
Music: Christ the Lord | Edward W. Leinbach
1. Christ the Lord, the Lord most glorious,
Now is born; O Shout aloud!
Man by Him is made victorious;
Praise your Savior, hail your God!

2. Praise the Lord! for on us shineth
Christ the Sun of righteousness;
He to us in love inclineth,
Cheers our souls with pard’ning grace.

3. Praise the Lord, Whose saving splendor
Shines into the darkest night;
O what praises shall we render
For this never-ceasing light.

4. Praise the Lord, God our salvation,
Praise Him who retrieved our loss;
Sing, with awe and love’s sensation,
Hallelujah, God with us.