Hymn Lyrics

PLEASE NOTE: Not all verses may be sung and words may vary in the particular hymn presentation.

Thy Majesty, How Vast It Is
Words: Johann Scheffler
Music: Thy Majesty | Grimm’s Choralbuch (1755); C. Gregor Choralbuch (1784)
1. Thy majesty, how vast it is,
And how immense the glory,
Which Thou, O Jesus, doth possess;
The heav’ns proclaim Thy story;
The legions of angels exalt Thy great Name,
Thy glory and might are transcendent;
And thousands of thousands Thy praises proclaim,
Upon Thee gladly dependent.

2. The Father’s equal, God the Son,
With Him is ever reigning;
Thou art partaker of His throne,
And all things are sustaining;
Both heaven and earth view their Maker as man,
With joy that is past all expression;
O happy, unspeakably happy, who can in
Jesus find life and salvation.

3. The church on earth, in humble strain,
Exalts the Christ, our Saviour,
And sings, “The Lamb for us was slain,
Our foe is lost forever;
For Christ hath redeemed us with His precious blood
Out of ev’ry nation and kindred,
And made us thereby kings and priests unto God.
To Him thanksgiving be rendered.”