Hymn Lyrics

PLEASE NOTE: Not all verses may be sung and words may vary in the particular hymn presentation.

How Shall I Meet My Savior
Words: Paul Gerhardt; altered by Edward T. Mickey
Music: Leinbach | Edward Leinbach
1. How shall I meet my Savior?
How shall I truly welcome Thee?
What manner of behavior
Is by Thy love required of me?
I wait for Thy salvation;
Grant me, O Lord , Thy Spirit’s light;
And may my preparation
Be well accepted in Thy sight.

2. While with her sweetest flowers
Thy waiting Zion strews Thy way,
I’ll raise with all my powers,
Savior, to Thee a grateful lay;
To Thee, the King of glory,
My heart will tune a song divine
And make Thy love’s bright story
Through me in living witness shine.