Hymn Lyrics

PLEASE NOTE: Not all verses may be sung and words may vary in the particular hymn presentation.

Jesus’ Love Unbounded
Words: Nikolaus Ludwig von Zinzendorf
Music: Berthelsdorf | Herrnhut, c. 1735; C. Gregor Choralbuch, 1784
1. Jesus’ love unbounded none can e’er explain,
Yet we, His disciples, often cause Him pain;
Even they forget Him who have seen His face;
Even they still grieve Him who enjoy His grace.

2. While we Your past dealings gratefully review,
We’re assured Your mercies are each morning new;
Pardon our transgressions, hear our earnest cry;
Us in soul and body heal and sanctify.

3. All our days, O Jesus, hallow unto You;
May our lives be given in Your service true;
Let us all experience, to the end of days,
Your abiding presence and Your loving grace.