Hymn Lyrics

PLEASE NOTE: Not all verses may be sung and words may vary in the particular hymn presentation.

Words: Paraphrase of Psalm 63 and Psalm 23
Music: Alleluia | Ferdinand Hummel
1. O Lord, my God! Early did I seek Thee out
My soul for Thee was thirsting, Lord
It longed for Thee in a land of draught
O Thou didst lead me by the hand
Who languished in a barren land
Thy mercy, Thy mercy, I sing with joy devout

2. O Thou dear Lord, Thou art my shepherd
Thy mercy doth my soul restore
Thy rod and staff they are my comfort
My cup of joy, behold it runneth o’er
Beside the waters still me leading
In pastures green Thou bid’st me live
My soul exalts Thee, my voice shall rise
Thy mercy praising to the sky