Hymn Lyrics

PLEASE NOTE: Not all verses may be sung and words may vary in the particular hymn presentation.

Nun seid ihr wohl gerochen - Now Vengeance Hath Been Taken (J. S. Bach: Christmas Oratorio, Part VI)
Words: Original German text is attributed by some to Christian Friedrich Henrici
Music: Nun seid ihr wohl gerochen (J. S. Bach: Christmas Oratorio, Part VI) | Johann Sebastian Bach
Original German Lyrics (Source: Georg Werner, 1648):

Nun seid ihr wohl gerochen
An eurer Feinde Schar,
Denn Christus hat zerbrochen,
Was euch zuwider war.
Tod, Teufel, Sünd und Hölle
Sind ganz und gar geschwächt;
Bei Gott hat seine Stelle
Das menschliche Geschlecht.

English Translation:

Now vengeance hath been taken
On all the foes of man,
And Christ doth end in triumph
The conflict He began.

Sin, Death, and Hell, and Satan,
Their mighty Victor own;
And Man doth stand forgiven
Before His Father’s throne.