Hymn Lyrics

PLEASE NOTE: Not all verses may be sung and words may vary in the particular hymn presentation.

My Life Is Hid in Jesus
Words: Anonymous (1608)
Music: My Life Is Hid in Jesus | Found in The Chorale Book for England (1863)
1. My life is hid in Jesus,
And death is gain to me;
Then whensoe’er He pleases,
I meet it willingly.

2. For Christ, my Lord and Brother,
I leave this world so dim,
And gladly seek that other
Where I shall be with Him.

3. My woes are nearly over,
Though long and dark the road;
My sins His merits cover,
And I have peace with God.

4. Then when my powers are failing,
My breath comes heavily,
And words are unavailing,
Oh hear my sighs to Thee!

5. When mind, and thought, O Saviour,
Are flickering like a light,
That to and fro doth waver
Ere ’til extinguished quite;

6. In that last hour, oh grant me
To slumber soft and still,
No doubts to vex or haunt me,
Safe anchor’d on Thy will;

7. And so to Thee still cleaving
Through all death’s agony,
To fall asleep believing,
And wake in heaven with Thee.